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from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import adfuller from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import acf, pacf from statsmodels.tsa.holtwinters import ExponentialSmoothing from statsmodels.tsa.arima.model import ARIMA from statsmodels.tsa.seasonal import seasonal_decompose from datetime import timedelta, datetime import pandas as pd…
Hi, is there a way to retrieve Bond and Counterparty ratings with Refinitiv Data (RD) library Python API? There are ISINs for Bond ratings and ticker codes for Counterparty ratings. Do I have to find RICs for those ISINs and ticker codes and use those RICs in RD library to search for the ratings? OR is it possible to get…
Where can i get full documentation of all the valid arguments that can be used with the LSEG Data library for python? For example, the get Fundamentals data function takes a dict for the parameters argument - where can i get a list of all the keys and definitions that are supported for this arg?…
I am trying to receive time stamps (more granular than daily) using get_history. I know there are different intervals that I can select, and I can return time stamps with certain items. I am curious if there is a way to identify which fields can be retrieved for time stamps using get_history. I understand get_data function…
Hi, I am trying to download headlines data with the ek.get_news_headlines function. Yet, I am running into the error: ValueError: Parser must be a string or character stream, not Timestamp when passing datetime values like below. Or running into "TypeError: datetime64 values must have a unit specified" when passing string…
I am starting to conduct some mining business development research. Is using the excel add-in the most efficient tool for this? Is there a page or link where I can find some further information on how to make this research as efficient as possible? I essentially want a workbook breaking down the mining operations in…
I have question about the LSEG Workspace value chains data (VCHAIN). For some time we've been pulling the VCHAIN data via the Refinitiv API. This works like a charm for the following fields: TR.SCRelationship', 'TR.SCRelationship.ScorgIDOut', 'TR.SCRelationship.instrument', 'TR.SCRelationshipConfidenceScore',…
hey guys, I'm trying to run the following lines: import as rd rd.open_session() trading_instrument = 'ESc1' prices = rd.get_history( universe = trading_instrument, fields=['TRDPRC_1'], start = "1997-01-01", end = "2024-07-31", ) prices = prices.loc[:,~prices.columns.duplicated()] prices and now I'm getting…
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