Network is unreachable
SEVERE: loggerMsg ClientName: ChannelCallbackClient Severity: Error Text: Failed to add RsslChannel(s) to RsslReactor. Channel name(s) Channel_Drv Instance Name Consumer_Drv_1 RsslReactor @790c3637 RsslChannel null Error Id -1 Internal sysError 0 Error Location RestReactor.submitAuthRequestBlocking Error Text failed to…
IPs of api.risk.lseg.com
Hello, we need to adjust our egress network policies to properly integrate with World Check One. What are the possible IPs / IP ranges of api.risk.lseg.com? Thanks!
Network saturatation
Hi, I am using a non-iterative provider to stream data via RFA. The code closely follows the example provided in RFA/Examples. However, I am encountering network capacity issues when streaming data at a high frequency of approximately 30,000 updates per second. I am wondering if anyone else has encountered a similar…
SSL Certificate Error when using the Datastream Web Service - hostnames don't match
We are using the datastream web api in a production GKE environment. We are getting intermittent SSL Errors. /dswsclient/V1/DSService.svc/rest/GetDataBundle (Caused by SSLError(CertificateError("hostname 'product.datastream.com' doesn't match 'datastreamwide.refinitiv.com'"))) This seems like a refinitiv…
running rmon against dockerised rrcpd, ads, adh - which NIC and rrcpd ports should I use?
hi I am trying to run rmon to understand some packet congestion we see on TREP network. All 4 infra processes are running in docker using "host" networking. I have extracted the rrcp ports from the process config files which gave me : -r is from *RRCP*ports : 0x4e20 0x4e21 0x4e30 0x4e31 -R is from…
RTO EMA: the compression approach used during message transferring
For RTO EMA application, what's the compression approach used during message transferring? And configurations can be specified for the compression? The target is to minimize the data usage in the limited network bandwidth environment considering the possibility to leverage high compression ratio approach.
Do we have static IP for streaming endpoints: /streaming/pricing/v1/
Do we have static IP adresses seen from public network for given hosts ? They are streaming endpoins taken from: /streaming/pricing/v1/ "ap-northeast-1-aws-1-sm.optimized-pricing-api.refinitiv.net", "ap-northeast-1-aws-3-sm.optimized-pricing-api.refinitiv.net", "ap-northeast-1-aws-2-sm.optimized-pricing-api.refinitiv.net",…
Do we have static ip for the api.refinitiv.com
Doe we have static IP bound to api.refinitiv.com? which can be used in firewall configuration instead of url
CodeBook 403 for external connection
In CodeBook I am getting 403 forbidden or 403 max retries reached for any connection, I assuming, outside the server network. For example, it would be useful to use the Intelligent Tagging API at https://api-eit.refinitiv.com/permid/calais or scrape some information off of a wikipedia page. I guess these are blocked at the…
May I know the EMA reconnection mechanism in case of network failure?
May I know the EMA reconnection mechanism in case of network failure? 1, the application startup 2. during the application running And will EMA quit the app if failed to reconnect? The algorithm? Thanks.
Eikon "json_requests" incorrect and Eikon Data API has lost access - related to recent update?
I have a pretty simple python script to get Refinitiv Eikon Data into a dataframe. import eikon as ek ek.set_app_key('api_key_goes_here') #real key would go here Instruments = ["USFN3015=TWEB","USFN30151=TWEB","USFN30152=TWEB"] Fields = [ek.TR_Field('CF_NAME'), ek.TR_Field('COUPN_RATE'), ek.TR_Field('CF_LAST')] Price_df,…
Can I configuring RFA to use particular ethernet card?
We have an application implemented using RFA C++ OMM. But it seems the connection fails when the pc is connected to both the Reuters provided VPN box and the internet (we have two ethenet cards). The application works fine, if the pc is exclusively connected to the vpn box at the time of initial connection. After checking…
DNS round-robin behavior in serverList
Hello All, In Windows, we are trying to set up a DNS round-robin mechanism above the RFA serverList configuration in RSSL. For example we have specified a serverList containing a single hostname. And this hostname is mapped to 12 IP addresses. Note that we try to use this mechanism because otherwise we would have to change…
We are in progress of estimating the network bandwidth requirement for downloading TRTH v2 data. Our network team wants to know below details immediately. Please get us required details. * 1.Whether the Thomson Reuters supports downloading the files other than internet medium( Leased, MPLS circuits) * 2.What are…
What network protocol is used in Screening Deployed?
What network protocol is used in Screening Deployed?