'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get' error for API data
Hello all, I am trying to download a list of index constituents using the eikon data API, however, i am getting a 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get' error for this code : import eikon as ek import pandas as pd from tqdm import tqdm # Import tqdm for progress tracking Your Datastream API keyapi_key = 'kEY ' Initialize…
Would appreciate an explanation for it?
I am trying to pass a request for a ticker symbol, that is valid. Still it always throws an error with message of Investor Full Name. Any idea what is about? I can relate it to having investor names empty and so on.
Automating usage reports export / download
I am looking for a way to automate the process of retrieving the usage reports (generated in DACS) with the DACS WS API. I could not find a respective GET method in the API manual I did not find any instructions / posts on the Developer’s forum explaining how it could be achieved (besides a single one where it was…
401 error
Dear API team, One of our clients is testing API and is having issues and getting 401 errors, please see below: we are using Powershell to “Invoke-WebRequest @params“. The params for one of the API calls that we are getting 401 Unauthorized errors on are below (this has been converted into json to display so it can be read…
API for News Headlines - date problem
Hi, I am trying to download headlines data with the ek.get_news_headlines function. Yet, I am running into the error: ValueError: Parser must be a string or character stream, not Timestamp when passing datetime values like below. Or running into "TypeError: datetime64 values must have a unit specified" when passing string…
Multiple Periods in Codebook
Client has a list of companies and one of which is 2382.HK. He wants to get the quarterly data but this specific RIC has no quarterly data. Now, client wants to know how he can write it to get the quarterly and semi annual data in 1 request? Product is API/Codebook. Thank you!
Case 14079299 Canadian and American companies traded on the other side using Phyton
Team, I need your help on client’s query below. Description: Hi, I've realized that there is no data field that returns 0 if a firm is only offered on a single exchange and 1 if it is offered on more than one. In our research focusing on a sample of Canadian and American firms, we wish to determine which companies in each…
Python program to get earnings call transcripts through EDP-API
I have the Python program below to download some earnings call transcripts through EDP-API. I have an enabled EDP-API and the program authenticates successfully, but it cannot find any earnings call transcripts. I am not sure if the transcripts are not accessible through the API, or if there is something wrong with the…
DSS API request to retrieve all RICs associated with OrgID
Hi, Is it possible to retrieve all RICs associated with certain OrgID? When I run extraction, using instrument list, it's possible to add "source": "*" to retrieve all RICs associated with certain Isin, for example: but the "source" field, is not applicable for entity lists: And if I run below code: { "ExtractionRequest":…
Getting a "ConnectionResetError: [WinError 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by t...
...he remote host" error while using the dataplatform API in python. While running the get_timeseries function in a loop, i get this error in every subsequent call.
How categories are assigned based on the ID codes from the API
I’m reaching out for guidance on how Refinitiv Workspace categorizes news articles into sections like Global Markets, World News, and others. I’m currently working on a News section for our company website and want to ensure that we categorize our news articles in a way that aligns with Refinitiv’s categorization in…
How to dissect and show US Municipal Bonds' CUSIP in API?
import refinitiv.data as rd rd.open_session() response = rd.discovery.search( view=rd.discovery.Views.MUNICIPAL_INSTRUMENTS, filter = "(IsActive eq true and SearchAllCategoryv2 eq 'US Municipal Bonds')", top = 10000, select = "CUSIP" ) print(response) Tried this but it is reaching the limit, client wants to see the next…
How to exclude the previous results of the screener in the next screen code?
Want to download big screener of stocks. The problem is the script limits the download to maximum of 10000 stocks at one time having about 50000 records. what is the way to iteratively download the full records from the screener.
Number Estimate Revising up and down
I have a list of dates from 2018-09-01 to 2024-10-30. For each RIC, I would like to calculate the number of estimate upgrades and downgrades. I understand that this data is collected over specific intervals, such as quarterly, semi-annually, or annually. Could you confirm the shortest available interval—is it quarterly?…
Obtain a list of IBES tickers
I have a data frame that has decode and RIC. How can we use them to convert to I/B/E/S code so I can use it for further processing. Thanks