SDate parameter when collecting company events
My goal is to get company event data for a universe of firms. I am using Eikon API version 1.1.18. I am using the following python code to access the Earnings Call and Earnings Release Events data , err = ek.get_data([RICs],['TR.EventType','TR.EventType.date'],{'SDate':'2001-01-01','EDate': '-1AW','EventType':'ECALL:RES'})…
Announcement Date of ESG-Score
Unfortunately, as a research assistant, I don't have access to the helpdesk, so I hope that someone here can answer my question: I want to carry out an event study and need the date on which an ESG score was published in Refintiv Eikon. The papers I have found use TRESGScore.date as the publication date, but is the ESG…
Using Eikon API to retrieve the filing dates of annual reports and ESG reports
I am trying to retrieve the filing dates of annual reports and ESG reports using a search query similar to https://community.developers.refinitiv.com/questions/95582/eikon-api-retrieve-annual-report-publication-date.html, and I've met several confusing issues. api_key = 'my api key' ek.set_app_key(api_key) isin_df =…
rd.get_history() getting data before start date
rics = 'ABB.ST' start = '2020-01-01' end = '2024-02-15' rd.get_history(universe = rics, fields = "TR.CompanyMarketCap", start = start, end = end)' I am running the code above and the returned data is as below: as start is 2020-01-01 why do I get data for 2019-12-30?
Dxy data problem, maybe need to know the time zone of TR.CLOSEPRICE.date?
I use eikon api to get dxy data, such as TR.CLOSEPRICE TR.CLOSEPRICE.date but data I got is not the same as I found on some fin websites. I think the problem is due to TR.CLOSEPRICE.date is not the same as I saw on other sites. For example, the following are I get from eikon api, Instrument Close Price Date High Price Low…
hi i would like to have the relative dates of each row
Dear community, I am trying to retrieve yearly data (fiscal year) using this Excel formula: =@TR(Tabelle1!$B$3:$B$318,"TR.TotalReturn........[other parameters]...","Period=FY-1 Frq=FY SDate=0 EDate=-10 Curn=USD CH=Fd RH=IN"). and this is the result Total Return ..... KEPL3.SA 70.7614344 ..... KEPL3.SA 32.5659314 KEPL3.SA…
ek.get_data correct date with multiple fields
Hi, I have the following call in excel: =@TR("IAG.AX","TR.IssueMarketCap(Scale=6 ShType=FFL), ((TR.FreeFloatPct)/100), TR.IssueSharesOutstanding(Scale=3), TR.CLOSEPRICE(Adjusted=0)","SDate=2020-10-27 EDate=2020-12-01 Curn=USD CH=Fd RH=calcdate") I repeat to make this same call in: ek.get_data However I want in the return…
How to get fund issue date via Eikon API?
I want to get the fund issue date via Eikon API, but it returns empty, kindly help check if the field "ISSUE_DATE" is correct or not? Thanks. data, err = ek.get_data(instruments=['LP68728214'], fields=[ "TR.RICCode", "ISSUE_DATE" ]) Response: { "instrument": { "0": "LP68728214" }, "ricCode": { "0": "LP68728214" },…
List of relative sdate and edate formats
I am trying to do queries for dividends in C# using the Eikon Data API. I notice that if I supply exact dates, such as today through the end of the year: sdate: 2023-05-27 edate: 2023-12-31 I get back empty results. However, if I supply relative dates, they sometimes seem to work, such as: sdate: 1D edate: -1AY My…
Get Date, Time and URL for ESG Controversies
Hi, I am trying to get the date, time and URL of certain news controversy categories. I used the "CODECR" app/ Formula Builder in Eikon to formulate the code. However, the results do not deliver the required date and URL (see picture) but they are available in Eikon (see picture). What is the problem here? Besides that…