I have the following call in excel:
=@TR("IAG.AX","TR.IssueMarketCap(Scale=6 ShType=FFL), ((TR.FreeFloatPct)/100), TR.IssueSharesOutstanding(Scale=3), TR.CLOSEPRICE(Adjusted=0)","SDate=2020-10-27 EDate=2020-12-01 Curn=USD CH=Fd RH=calcdate")
I repeat to make this same call in:
However I want in the return also a correct date (that is correct for all fields) so that If I later use the information I know which get_data result is for which date
data, err = ek.get_data("IAG.AX"
, fields = ["TR.IssueMarketCap('Scale'=6,'ShType'=FFL)"
,"TR.IssueSharesOutstanding(Scale=3)/*shares outstanding*/" ,"TR.CLOSEPRICE(Adjusted=0)/*close*/"]
, parameters = {"Curn" = "USD", "SDate" = "2020-10-27"
, "EDate" = "2020-12-01"}
I can add a date like e.g.:
But then how do I know for sure that this date is valid also for the other fields (not close price)?