Retreive TR.CompanyMarketCap in EUR regardless of the instrument's local currency
Using Python, I would like to retrieve the field ' ' in EUR, regardless the local currency of the instrument
Delayed prices using LSEG Workspace API
Hello, I'm trying to collect bids for LCOc1 as soon as the bid change in realtime. My main issue is that I have a 10 min delay. _________________________________ import time import pandas as pd import eikon as ek import os # Set Eikon API Key for access to financial data ek.set_app_key('API_KEY_HERE') # Define the…
I cannot pull out data for LCOc1
Hi, I am quite new on this platform and I need some assistance. I currently want to download futures data with the following variables date volume open interest last trading date time to maturity ticker symbol etc I kindly need assistance on how to go about it
How do i get Quarter or Financial year as the Column header for the data?
ld.get_data(universe= [ "TRV", "ORI", "WRB", "BRO", ], fields= ['TR.F.NETPREMEARNED'], parameters= {"Scale":6,'Curn':"USD", 'FRQ':'FQ', 'Period':'FQ0', "SDate":0,"EDate":-5}) , This is the output i'm getting, I want column net premium as header and under sub header quarter or year, is it possible
NaT Issues and Duplicated Dates
I hope you are doing well. I am reaching out regarding some data inconsistencies I haveencountered while retrieving fundamental and market data for specific RICs using theRefinitiv API. I would appreciate your assistance in understanding these issues and findingpossible solutions.Issue 1: NaT Values for…
Is there a way to call on Geographic revenue via a Segment Code or Name?
I am using Excel and while I can call on a company's Geographical data as a whole using…
Is it possible to retrieve the historical constituents of the ACWI index using Python?
Our main challenge has been downloading the constituents of the MSCI ACWI index, whether current or historical, as both are crucial for our objective. Unfortunately, we have been unsuccessful despite multiple attempts. Below are the details of our efforts: Code Attempt 1: import refinitiv.data as rd from…
data request
https://github.com/Refinitiv/websocket-api/blob/master/Applications/Examples/python/market_price.py We are currently making a real-time data request based on the sample example above. I want to make sure that I can request data again during the disconnected time when I reconnected in case socket communication is lost, and…
News data for academic research
Hello, I am doing research for a PhD and I am trying to get news headlines data for certain keywords over a 5 year span using Workspace's APIs via Jupyter notebook. Are there restrictions on the amount of historical news data available via the Eikon Data API and the EDP API, even with an academic account? I have seen it…
How to obtain fiscal quarter period name, earnings release as well as period start and end dates
I am looking to obtain the fiscal period name, start and end date as well as earnings release date for a set of tickers. I can obtain the earnings release date and period end date using the code below, but I am unsure how to get the actual fiscal quarter/period (i.e. FY19 Q1)…
Insonsistent data retrieval with eikon get_data
Hello, I need to collect historical data for multiple companies. While I wrote the code to do this and experimented with it, I realized that data which is returned differs sometimes, even though I am using the exact call. This is more than inconvenient because I can not rely upon the data which is collected. Has anyone…
Daily prices for Nordic Prices
Hi I am trying to find the Daily prices for system price in Nordic Power market (POWNOORD), but only weekly is shown in the overview section, in the graph with name "Hydro Balance, System Price and SRMC COAL". Want the Day ahead prices from 2014 to 2024. Any help I can get with this?
Price Index and Return Index data for the MSCI World
I want to obtain the Price Index and Return Index data for the MSCI World over the past decade, but I am unable to find the correct API command or field. Could you please tell me which fields or parameters I should use in the Eikon API to extract this data?
How to retrieve monthly institutional shareholding data for over 200 firms from 2003 to 2023 usin...
...g Eikon API Hi everyone, I am relatively new using Eikon API and I am also relatively unfamiliar with the code. I want to retrieve the monthly institutional shareholding data for about 200 firms from 2003 to 2023 without having to download the shareholder report for every company one by one. Specifically, taking one…