I am using Excel and while I can call on a company's Geographical data as a whole using =TR($A$2,"TR.Revenue;TR.BGS.GeoTotalRevenue.currency;TR.BGS.GeoTotalRevenue.fperiod;TR.BGS.GeoTotalRevenue.segmentName;TR.BGS.GeoTotalRevenue;TR.BGS.GeoTotalRevenue.fperiod;TR.BGS.BusExternalRevenue.segmentName;TR.BGS.BusExternalRevenue;TR.BGS.BusExternalRevenu"&"e","CH=Fd RH=IN",B3)
I would like to create in a cell, where I can input a Segment Code (for example CHN for China) and call Only the external revenues associated with that particular Country code for the particular RIC list. Is this possible?