OpenAPI/Swagger Documentation for DSS REST API
Hi, Do we have a full OpenAPI/Swagger Documentation for the DSS REST API? Thanks, Greg
We get the following error message from the server: "NakCode:AccessDenied" "Text:902: Cannot Crea...
...te a Record" We get the following error message from the server: "ID:1" "Type:Ack" "AckID:0" "NakCode:AccessDenied" "Text:902: Cannot Create a Record" "Key:Service:DEX_CTB_PRD" "Name:ATS_RM_CREATE" The message says our access is denied but it would be very strange if we were allowed to create a RIC with "ATS_INSERT_S"…
api updates / better docs
hi, the eikon data api is now quote "old" without any updates whatsoever. does this mean that there wont ever be extensions to the functionality and we have to live with all the shortcomings (get_timeseries only has 5 fields, get_data not having proper history, fields missing, some get history, others dont) forever? also,…
401 zero footprint api
I downloaded the Zero-footprint-api postman collection. I filled in our apiKey and apiSecret. Next: getting the top-level groups works. Entering the id of a top-level group in the environment and performing the Simple Screening request from the postman collection fails. First: the variables in the url of the request seem…
is there a complete API doc
I would like to use TickHistoryMarketDepthExtractionRequest But I didn't know where to find the Content Field Names list, Is there a complete API docs, so that I can know how to fill in the request params.
SCREENER documentation
I want to use the SCREENER App from EIKON to get data regarding public and private companies and their main business filed (industry) + description. Is there any kind of documentation e.g., what is/ are the data sources for each field, ...? Additionally, I am looking for an official description/ table that decribes each…
get_data() frequency and improved documentation.
I am looking to get the average bid/ask price for the last 30 days. After playing with the get_data() function, I was able to get daily requests. However, there is no documentation for changing the frequency. The best resources I could find are below (and this took about 15 minutes to find).…
Web SDK - Documentation?
The request for accessing the Web SDK documentation is pending for 7 days now. Any public documentation available or any other way to speed the process up?
Search V2 RCS* properties
Hi, I am trying to find documentation / description of all the different RCS* (Refinitiv Classification Scheme) properties available in RKD Search V2 (eg. for SearchAll collection). There are many properties containing different code values. Are those (both properties and values) documented anywhere? Examples: *…
Are API's for DataScope Select the same as DataScope Onsite?
Hi, I have hard copy documentation for DataScope Onsite with Security Master fields I would like to get via REST API. For example - master_deal_id, prosp_issue, orig_bal and others that I don't have a DataScope Key for example - Deal Name, Vintage, Asset Class etc. Is this the same as DataScope Select API? If so, is there…
Unable to login on https://apidocs.refinitiv.com
Hi, I'm trying to login to https://apidocs.refinitiv.com As soon as i get logged in, i see an error: I tried resetting my password just in case, but it did not fix anything. Thanks for your help
technical documentation for datastream api
Hi guys, I need official technical documentation (with url addresses ect) regarding Datastream API - without it i will not be able to ask for unblocking some ports and urls... any help?
In RDP JSON payload, what is "payloadVersion" and where is it documented?
We're using the «News Service on Refinitiv Data Platform - User and Design Guide, v2.0» manual to implement our news-handling service (which obtains news stories via alerts pushed to an AWS SQS queue), and there is a problem with versioning of the format of the responses. By default, if we subscribe for the news alerts…
Would like to browse documentation for DataStream API
Hi, I am trying to browse the Refinitiv API documentation, but unfortunately, it does not let me, even once I have registered. My end goal is simply to validate that I can get specific point-in-time data via web calls in an automated fashion. As such, I'm trying first to see if the DataStream API provides the data that we…
Python API function to use to retrieve a span of tick data
Hi, (My previous question on StreamingPrices seemed to be poorly phrased, and customersupport@refinitiv.com directed me back here, so let me try this again.) I'm working on a benchmark project where I need tick data (fields TIMACT, BID, BIDSIZE, ASK, ASKSIZE) for a set of RICs (SON3H0, SON3M0, SON3U0, SON3Z0, SON3H1) for a…