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Hi, for awhile now I have been using the following block of code to access our datastream FTP: with FTP("") as ftp: print('Please input username') user_ = getpass.getpass() print('Please input password') password = getpass.getpass() This has previously worked without errors but now, before I am…
...t companies? Is it possible for our clients to use Past trends in Starmine Credit Risk models for bankrupt companies from FTP or Eikon API in order to check Starmine performance? As for Eikon API, I can not extract these data from Eikon API. I do not have this FTP account, so I can not confirm this. According to…
While following Quick Start | Devportal (, I saw in step 5: "Install registry settings for API from following FTP site.". However, that link does not work. It seems like this is required to be able to use the REDI python API. Without it, this code gives me the error "Invalid class…
One of prospects would like to enclose values with double-qutations in instrument identifier colunn in DSS csv output file (due to format issue of their internal systems). e.g. "JPY=", I thought about using 'User Defined Identifier' field with RIC values + , so that values with comma wil be enclosed with double-quotations.…
Hello Team, where I can find public key for SFTP server for Datascooe Select? It is the key used as host certificate to authenticate the Refinitiv SFTP server, so that clients can be certain that they are "talking" to the correct SFTP server?
Hi Im trying to get live data for testing the marketpysch data? Is this available by API, if not is the any way to get the data other than the Windows application screen?
Due to migration tempates on DSS side some endpionts will no longer be supported (e.g. SOAP - InstrumentExtractionRequestTimeSeriesPricing ). Currently we use TimeseriesPricing template and the new suggested is PriceHistory. We would like to know the impact on our communication channels and information what we should…
Hi, DatascopeSelect creates Notes files in the FTP. Is there any way to make DSS not to create them ?
I have been attempting to get our automated script to connect to our site When I test the connection with the client, CoreFTP, I AM successful using Server: Port: 22 User: r9025260 Pass: xxxxxx (obscured) and no private key I am NOT successful if I use the…
The customer cannot see the data on his FTP, any reports or extracts that have been run in the DSS GUI. I logged in to their FTP account via FileZilla and the reports folder was empty as well. Everything is visible on the DSS GUI, but nothing on FTP. I asked the client if he was using other systems that handle his data…
Do you know anyone who is using TRKD-FTP
Hello, We are currently sending some request file to datascope select with the filename DSFF*. However we are unable to find and retrieve any response file for it after 14h00 CET request. I am able to see our request file in this adress: But the last hour file we…
Now that i have received the response JSON from Get_Document API. How to download the PDF file present in the JSON?
Hello - Is it possible to upload an Entity/Instrument list via the Python API? I found the tutorial using C# and XML calls, but can't seem to locate the python specific tutorial. Below is the tutorial I found so far...…
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