Retrieving Exchange Rate (middle unpadded) via Python API for Symbol ARGPES$
We are trying to retrieve Exchange Rate data (middle unpadded) through the Refinitiv Python API for the Symbol ARGPES$. While I can successfully access this data in Excel using the formula ARGPES$(ER#S), I am unable to replicate this in the Python API. Specifically: Symbol: ARGPES$ Field needed: Exchange Rate, middle…
where can I find a mapping between Refinitiv Exchange Codes to Market identifier codes (MIC) & Se...
...rvice Names to refinitiv Exchange Codes Example of one such us NSI -> XNSE? Any links for any xls/csv or anyway to extract this data using Java? Example: NEO Exchange NEO-D for NEO-listed securities -----> ???? exchange code
How can i get all companies listed in any exchange for a period?
I am using both refinitiv web and plug-in in Excel. I would like to get all listed companies in London Business Exchange between 2005 and 2020 (active, inactive… everything) Thanks in advance!!
Which recordtypes to select to decode an exchange equity index
Hello, I want to decode an exchange index , example CAC40 0#FCHI and I only want to show the stocks that are part of the index. I do not want to show the RICS: " EUR=, .DJI , /.STOXX50E,.AD.FCHI". The filtering should probably be done by RECORDTYPE. Which are the RECORDTYPES I have to select so that only the RICs that are…
How to find the list with the exchange for which the suffix of a RIC stands for?
I have a list of RICs belonging to the same ISIN. However, I do not know to which exchange each ric belongs to.
Where to get a historical name change database?
For example Office Depot is not called Office Depot anymore, and instead ODP, problem is that the old data still has to be mapped to ticker via name combination, so without these historical name changes, I am not sure how it could be done.
Is there an API to fetch the Foreign Exchange Data history
It seems that we have, but I can't get any information from this page FX Pricing Data | Refinitiv .
Where can I find the list of fields available for RFA or Elektron streams for each exchange ?
For exemple I would like to retrieve the list of quotation fields available on HKSE, is there a dedicated page per exchange to get the description of what is available ?
How to retrieve exchange-specific RIC from ISIN input
Hi , I am aware this question was asked before, but since the advanced time since it was asked in 2017 I was wondering if there was a more elegant and proper way to retrieve the RIC for an instrument at a specific exchange now? Hope there is since the existing solution are not very satisfying. And if there is no direct…
Is there any API to get all the Exchange Rates for Central Bank UAE
Hi Team, Do we have any particular API where we can pass Central Bank UAE as data source code and get all the Exchange rates w.r.to the Bank that are available. Thanks & Regards Khambu Swetha Naraharisetti
Asia Exchange Trading Hours Information
Dear Refinitiv Support, We would like your advice on 2 questions: * How should we best get information about Asia exchanges' trading hours from Elektron Real-time feed? e.g. Stock Connect, Hong Kong, Shanghai etc. * For the RICs that provide such data, what is the timeline of the data being published by Refinitiv? Since we…
Retrieve normalized company data (e.g. revenue) form foreign currency to EUR by the average excha...
Retrieve normalized company data (e.g. revenue) form foreign currency to EUR by the average exchange rate of the regarded period?
Screener: Historic market cap of certain exchanges
Hello all, I was wondering if there is a way to see all the companies that were listed on a certain stock exchange on a certain date. For example, I want to see all the companies that were listed atSIX in 2000 and then do the same for the next 20 years and calculate the sum of the market capitalisation to see how it has…
get exchange rate on a certain time
Hi, May I ask how to get the traded exchange rate of EUR/USD on 5:00 P.M. by ek.get_timeseries? Thank you
Get all Index RICs for a particular country
Hello, I'm trying to use the Eikon API (ideally) to get a list of all of the Exchange RICs for a particular country (say, all Exchange RICs for the United States). I've looked at the answer posted here. However, that doesn't really answer my question as I'm not interested in the constituents of the Exchanges, but instead…