For example Office Depot is not called Office Depot anymore, and instead ODP, problem is that the old data still has to be mapped to ticker via name combination, so without these historical name changes, I am not sure how it could be done.
Resolver not registered: react.asset.discussionTagsAsset
GLEIF L1 data has a previousLegalName (or alternatively daily deltas for at least 10 years) but that broadens your task of mapping from name to LEI (not strictly unique) and from LEI to permid.
Please let us know what PermIDs that you are referring to.
I don't think that the PermIDs can provide a historical name change database.
Hi @hroptatyr so good to hear from you again, hope you have been doing well. I just had a lot of fun exploring that data, I went via a ISIN US first two letter combination, and I added it to the bloomberg data you shared in the past. GLEIF also helped me to get parent and child names. I also discovered the GLEIF api. Thanks again mate!
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.