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Hello dear community, I'm facing an issue... I am using Refinitive platform, where I am trying to fetch data from a WebSocket. First, we generate an access token through PHP, which is working fine. Then, we save it and include it in the JSON content. When calling the WSS endpoint, I'm encountering the following errors.…
I'm trying to make a curl request with PHP to the endpoint in order to get an access_token, which I can then use to access the other endpoints that Refinitiv provides. However, I'm encountering some difficulties. From what I understand, the following fields are mandatory: *…
The client is using PHP and is able to open a WebSocket to the link but he asked what information he needs to send to the WebSocket to be able to log in. The installation & Configuration guide says he needs to send the following information: { "Domain":…
Hi, I created Pre-request script PHP code to hash dataToSign successfully in this question: how-to-generate-signature-by-curl-alone It is for "Get my top-level groups" in Postman collection. Now, I'm trying to do same on another Postman collection "Perform Synchronous Screening: Simple". In the given Javascript sample by…
I am initiating the integration to World-Check One and right off the bat I am facing an issue with getting no response when I make a GET request through php cURL. I have followed the postman collection, and used the php cURL that was generated in there. Postman gives the response while my code doesn't. I have tested the…
Hi, I have a class created in php, which generates a string that I send to the world-check one api to create a case, but when I consult, I get this error: GuzzleHttp \ Exception \ ClientException (401) Client error: `POST https: // / v2 / cases / screeningRequest` resulted…
I am trying to get a simple get request to work in php, that I've accomplished with postman without issue. In postman, the outputted http code is the following: GET /v1/cases/0a599156-6eb7-1e40-9bb3-2aae00039721 HTTP/1.1 Host: Date: Fri, 06 Dec 2019 16:22:22 GMT…
Hi Team, I need help for some confusion clarify for given below question. * I have do screening names based on this API (WC1 API SEQ-screen-sync-simple) and its return list of matched result and case_id. I have save this case_id next time same user and screen out based on this case_id so it is consider multiple transaction…
Hi Team, How can i generate signature key(Used for api call) in php technology can any one help me please ?
We are running PHP on our platform, but is there no other way to access the API (say RESTful) without using Python?
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