I'm trying to make a curl request with PHP to the endpoint https://api.refinitiv.com/auth/oauth2/v1/token in order to get an access_token, which I can then use to access the other endpoints that Refinitiv provides. However, I'm encountering some difficulties. From what I understand, the following fields are mandatory:
- grant_type ("password")
- username (my email address)
- password (my password)
On the other hand, I have no idea where I can find the following information:
- scope
- client_id
- client_secret
Having combed through the rather thin associated documentation, the client_id and client_secret would be associated with my application created via the AppKey Generator, but if the field names matched what I can see there, that would be too easy. So, do you know where I can find the "scope" parameter, and what do "client_id" and "client_secret" correspond to in the AppKey Generator?
Thank you very much for your help!