RDP API Key Generator not showing app.
I selected the EDP API and entered a name for my application under the App Key Generator page. It looks like the application was posted successfully but no application showed up as registered in the grid below when refreshing the page. I did try this using incognito browser as well. I have uploaded my HAR file.
Open Session for lseg.data AttributeError: module 'lseg.data._config_defaults' has no attribute 'con
Hello I'm trying to connect to the lseg.data library via an API in Jupyter notebook and when trying to open a session as per below, I get an error message. session = ld.session.platform.Definition( app_key = "My App Key", grant = ld.session.platform.GrantPassword( username = "My Useer Name", password = "My PWD"…
Open session failed
I want to access the IssueISIN via below code, but it reports that session is not created So I try to use below to open session, it reports that "Your credentials could not be authenticated"; I get the key from below, May know if I input the right key? O there is another key that I should apply for this purpose?
How to set the Period year = [2025,2026] to be dynamic in CODEBK?
how do i make a function like this to work? import refinitiv.data as rd rd.open_session() year = [2025,2026] df = rd.get_data( universe = ['CEAB3.SA'], fields = ['TR.NetProfitMean(Period=year1})', 'TR.NetProfitMean(Period=year2})'], parameters = { 'year1':year[0], 'year2':year[1] } ) display(df) the year list is dynamic.…
Does Eikon/WS Data API needs a local host id in order to connect?
hello, Does Eikon/WS Data API needs a local host id in order to connect? if so what should be populated with?
Intereaction with API Playground Beta Endpoints
Hi, I am looking to experiment with the API endpoints located in the API Playground, specifically the ones related to messenger/chat. I see that there are examples for how to utilize the messenger/beta1 endpoints. I have obtained an API Key from App Key Generator, but am not sure how to use this key to login/authenticate…
Eikon API python 403 connection
Hi Im trying to connect to the Eikon API and have followed the quickstart guide but i run into an Error 403 when trying to execute the following: import eikon as ek ek.set_app_key('****') ek.get_news_headlines('R:LHAG.DE', date_from='2019-03-06T09:00:00', date_to='2019-03-06T18:00:00') I however just get the following:…
WC1 API getting started questions
Hello, as the question title suggests, I am not familiar with the WC1 API, and I am kindly asking for the steps I should take to work with the WC1 API, mainly for screening and filtering clients for a KYC client onboarding process in the PILOT version. I have looked at the documentation, but much of it is unclear to me. In…
I am working on calling the World Check One API from ServiceNow and need CRyptjswrapper script in...
...clude Script include - var refinitivWCUtils = Class.create(); refinitivWCUtils.prototype = { initialize: function() {}, getGroupsAuthHeader: function() { // Retrieve environment properties var environment = { "gateway-url": gs.getProperty('x_cbre2_generic_ap.refinitiv.gateway_url'), "gateway-host":…
SxS API cannot launch new app
I created a sxs api key in APPKEY Generator and Status is Enabled then I use postman test 1. test ping: success return 9000 2. test handshake:, success get sessionToken 3. test create launch a Quote app, failed with message: Couldn't get origin from productId: xxxx
Curl request with PHP - Where can I find parameters ?
I'm trying to make a curl request with PHP to the endpoint https://api.refinitiv.com/auth/oauth2/v1/token in order to get an access_token, which I can then use to access the other endpoints that Refinitiv provides. However, I'm encountering some difficulties. From what I understand, the following fields are mandatory: *…
set_app_key handshake
Hello, after having set an app key, I am trying the python eikon package. python 3.8.13 eikon 1.1.16 httpx 0.24.1 (putting it there as I saw that this package was of importance). I am working behind a proxy, windows environment. I tried to relog on / log off my eikon session and tried with a new app key but nothing…
Is there an API for get data tables from Ric Search?
Is there an API, library or any function that can be used for get data tables, especially for economic indicators data from Ric Search Tool https://developers.refinitiv.com/en/tools-catalog/ric-search# in Python? If it is, can you give an example code?
Continuing question 93989 ommstreaming-pricing-012-received-a-closing-messag (I cant add a commen...
...t there) hi Jirapongse I asked a question in the past "[OMMSTREAMING_PRICING_0.12] received a closing message (cxn state=StreamCxnState.Connected, message state={'Stream': 'Closed', 'Data': 'Suspect', 'Code': 'UserAccessToAppDenied', 'Text': 'TREP authentication failed (1026, Request for token validatio" Jirapongse sent…
World-Check One Pilot Environment - Request for API Key & API Secret
Hi, Is it possible to get the API key and API Secret to test the WC1 Pilot Environment? Regards, Nawaaz