WC1 v3 Missing API endpoints
I was going through the WOrld Check One API v3 Postman Schema and noticed that some of the API endpoints that I available in V2 are not available in v3? For example: the endpoint to Update Case Rating is available in v2 but not in v3. Is V3 not yet ready or are those endpoinds missing for a reason?
About groupScreeningType
How is the screening mode controlled by the variable groupScreeningType used when screening in WC1? Also, will the columns to be acquired in the database on WC1 change if the screening mode changes?
401 zero footprint api
I downloaded the Zero-footprint-api postman collection. I filled in our apiKey and apiSecret. Next: getting the top-level groups works. Entering the id of a top-level group in the environment and performing the Simple Screening request from the postman collection fails. First: the variables in the url of the request seem…
WorldCheck health monitoring
Hello, I am using World-CheckOneAPI Zero Footprint Screening (ZFS) and it works very well. In order to go into production, I would like to set up a monitoring system to know if your service is operational. Do you have an API to monitoring the WorldCheck status? The Postman Collection doesn't seem to contain a monitoring…
Valid values for languageCode?
Hello, How can I know ALL the different valid values for the 'languageCode' field used within the `names`-section, in the response-body of the WC1-`profile` request based on the `referenceId`? A snippet : "languageCode":{"code":"zho","name":"Chinese"} Example response: e_tr_wco_2272404-response-json.txt Our main goal is to…
Using ZFS: Error: read ECONNRESET when trying to get my Groups
I'm attempting to execute the SEQ-pre-groups: Get my top-level groups, following the ZFS quick start. * I imported the Postman collection and it seems right * I've entered my API key/secret into the Environment and it seems right Logs below (key and signature replaced with xxxxxxxxxx) 09:59:32.243 GET…
How to make use of API Key and API secret in accessing the World-Check One API Pilot environment ...
How to make use of API Key and API secret in accessing the World-Check One API Pilot environment using third party REST client ??
PKIX path building failed exception when getting World Check One Groups
We have implemented the WC One ZFS API to get the groups which is using the URL https://rms-world-check-one-api-pilot.thomsonreuters.com/v1/groups. This is working as expected on Refinitiv internal server, but for on-premise client this is showing an error as below: ERROR: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX…
Keep getting 401 in zero footprint synchronous screening api hit through postman
I am getting the response for SEQ-pre-groups: Get my top-level groups. Please find the screenshot below. But I am getting error when I call the API SEQ-zfs-api-sync-screen-simple: Perform Zero Footprint Synchronous Screening: Simple. Please find the screenshot below. Please advise on this issue.
World Check One ZFS : 504 Gateway Timeout
Hi, Please see error below when screening via ZFS : <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <HTML> <HEAD> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <TITLE>ERROR: The request could not be satisfied</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <H1>504…
Searching an organisation by country using Zero footprint screening API
I want to search an organization by country. The JSON which I currently use is the below one. When I use the below JSON, I am getting the below error. { "groupId": "0a360b84-6d9a-189f-9b80-b0c000005df2", "entityType": "organisation", "providerTypes": [ "WATCHLIST" ], "name": "VIDEO S A .-", "secondaryFields": [ { "typeId":…
HTTP 403 Forbidden from ZFS screeningRequest API
I am working on a WorldCheck One ZFS Zero Footprint Screening pilot. I dug through all of the emails, downloaded all of the documentation and Postman documents, and started writing some code to support the custom API authentication system and get data coming back. I am able to call all of the following APIs perfectly fine…
World Check One Zero Footprint API : Sync Screening no result for all records on sanctions list a...
...nd test samples provided from website I performed a screening request via the admin portal on both World Check One and ZFS. Both queries returned results for the screened entity. However via postman, there are no results being returned via ZFS. What could be the issue here? Note that the request is being sent with the…
How to add Watchlist on WorldCheck ZFS account?
Could you please help me on adding Watchlist on WorldCheck ZFS account? Also I need information on how to transfer Watchlist from UI to your API account. Thanks in Advance!
Is there any option to white-list the parties in ZFS? Is there any alternative ways to achieve this?
I am looking to reduce the screening matches, particularly for parties that are either the client or regular payees and beneficiaries. Is there any option to ‘white-list’ names in ZFS?