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Try an SDK that provides passive income For developers, SDK is very important in the entire development process. It provides a series of tools, libraries, documentation and sample code to help developers complete software development more efficiently. As development needs continue to upgrade, SDK can also bring income to…
For example you have flavours such as ssl, rfa, ema ,eta. I have lost track of which is which. More importantly can you tell me the relationship between versions and flavours and support please ? For example I hear that SSL is no longer supported ?
We are using Java and we expect to use RESTful HTTP requests to retrieve the K-line data for stocks. Here is an example:,ASK,OPEN_PRC. Our…
After a period (typically about 20 mins) we experience an Auth timeout on the RDP; example message below: ReactorChannel dispatch failed: -1(Server has rejected the Login request.) 2023-12-15 16:39:10,947 ERROR com.refinitiv.ema.access.OmmConsu merImpl [] - loggerMsg ClientName: LoginCallbackClient Severity: Error Text:…
Hi, We are currently working on upgrading vulnerable .jar files and json-20190722.jar was found on our list. We are wondering, is non-vulnerable json-20230227.jar version is it compatible with other Refinitiv SDK version libraries we use (ansipage-, ema-, eta-, etajConverter-,…
Hi, There is an C# example for market data contribution using websockets available at: I am looking at achieving the same thing (market data contribution) but using the new dotnet sdk available at…
Posting inquiry in behalf our client. Hi Team, Client tried connecting to RTO using the new Real-Time-SDK-2.0.6.L1. Has someone encountered the specified error below. Thanks in advance. ERR 2022-10-03 03:32:48.200145 3094 gng/rtsdk/> jid[0] Refinitiv Fish failed to start excp_toString[Exception…
Is there somewhere to download the full SDK library for "TCCI" or Trading Center Customer Interface (TCCI) RFQ v2.1.3 Software Development Kit ? I now have this documentation: But it is unclear to me if I have to code these classes…
Hello all, When using the Android ADK to initialize with the bearer token obtained by PostMan, the initialization cannot be successful. What is the reason? Are there any differences or requirements for the test environment for some default values based on tests and regions in the XML configuration? Please reply to me if…
When using the Android ADK to initialize with the bearer token obtained by PostMan, the initialization cannot be successful. What is the reason? Are there any differences or requirements for the test environment for some default values based on tests and regions in the xml configuration?
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