Websocket API - Streaming
Hi, Customer Banco BEST developed a streaming application with Websocket API to subscribe real time data from a RTDS deployed infrastructure. This is working pretty well, but customer identified that sometimes there are RICs not receiving data being requested to RTDS, mainly related with Indices like .FTSE and .GDAXI…
Price streaming using platform session showing inconsistent behaviour
Application: AlphaDesk connecting via Refinitiv Data .Net Library using a PlatformSession Issue: Subscribing to the same set of ticker/fields is showing inconsistent behaviour. One of the following 3 scenarios occur (in likelihood order): Streams for pricing are successfully connected and receive refresh/updates The price…
I have access denied error when I run a code from my local environment but can run it on Codebook.
I executed this code with the Desktop session, not on Codebook, but on a local Jupyter Notebook. response = ld.content.pricing.Definition( ['EUR=', 'GBP=', 'JPY=', 'CAD='], fields=['BID', 'ASK'] ).get_data() display(response.data.df) result was like bellow access denied. Scopes required to access the resource:…
Requesting US equity imbalance type/side via Workspace API-- numeric data for string fields
I'm porting some tasks from the Eikon C# .NET APIs to the LSEG Data Library API (implementing in Python). For some of this data we subscribe to the US imbalance feed RICs (e.g. IBM.NOI, AAPL.ITC). I'm subscribing to, among other fields, IMB_TYPE, IMB_ACT_TP, and IMB_SIDE). These fields, in the Eikon Quote app and the…
How to handle COMPLETION_EVENT while migrating Refinitiv RFA API to EMA API?
We are currently upgrading our application from RFA API to use EMA API. We referred a similar question in this link: https://community.developers.refinitiv.com/questions/92298/whats-the-equivalent-of-rfas-completion-event-in-r.html But we are not able to use the rsslIsFinalState given in the solution here. Please provide a…
Running out of memory while processing large responses - DSS
Hi All, I believe I am not using best practices when processing the response. for ex., chunking, paging, or streaming. Hence my application goes out of memory (breaching 500MB). I would like to get your advice on how to avoid an oom situation by processing the data efficiently. I tried looking at the examples on pages:…
VAConsumer ETA CSharp Not Streaming Data
Hi, I was using VAConsumer app to access the streaming data for USFOMC=ECI Yesterday at 11:30 UTC. The data released at expected time but it didn't got updated in the CMD under the field it supposed to (ECON_ACT). The data was updated on Eikon terminal though. Can you please help me with what I might be doing wrong. I've…
Unexplained Desktop API Latency/Performance Issues
Over the weekend (June 24-June 25), I experienced noticeable latency issues with the News Feed Streaming API (from the pricing library using Pricing.Definition().Universe().GetStream()). For instance, a news item would appear in the Desktop news tool, but would appear with a latency that sometimes reached 500ms-1000ms in…
Exception Type='OmmJsonConverterException', Text='Failed to convert JSON message'
When i try to subscribe to ALINN.PA i receive this exception : Exception Type='OmmJsonConverterException', Text='Failed to convert JSON message: {"ID":24187,"Type":"Error","Text":"JSON Converter unexpected value: Invalid date value: 2022-11, code =…
Do we have static IP for streaming endpoints: /streaming/pricing/v1/
Do we have static IP adresses seen from public network for given hosts ? They are streaming endpoins taken from: /streaming/pricing/v1/ "ap-northeast-1-aws-1-sm.optimized-pricing-api.refinitiv.net", "ap-northeast-1-aws-3-sm.optimized-pricing-api.refinitiv.net", "ap-northeast-1-aws-2-sm.optimized-pricing-api.refinitiv.net",…
Eikon API Streaming error
I followed tutorial as below on Jupyter Notebook. https://developers.refinitiv.com/en/api-catalog/eikon/eikon-data-api/tutorials#streaming-api-how-to-retrieve-real-time-streaming-prices streaming_prices = ek.StreamingPrices( instruments = ['GBP=','JPY=', 'CAD='], fields = ['CF_BID','CF_ASK','OPEN_PRC', 'CF_HIGH','CF_LOW',…