Filing API returns null content
Hi, When I tried to get filing data with Python these days. It will only return the organisation name and the count of metadata. The rest of the other fields are all null. I tried with both the filing method in the content layer package and the API method with token. The results are the same. I also tried to generate a…
Why the result are different between the excel function @TR and the EndPoint symbology/v1/lookup
Capture.JPGWhy does the Excel function "=@TR("NL0000000107";"TR.RIC";"Null=Blank")" returns the RIC =.AEX AND The EndPoint API Playground returns nothing when I run this URL? https://api.refinitiv.com/discovery/symbology/v1/lookup with body content: { "from": [ { "identifyTypes": [ “ISIN” ], "values": [ “NL0000000107” ] }…
API to get tick size and tick size rules
Hello, I would like to know which API I have to use to get tick size information, I have explore your API Playground but without success, SearchLight API provides some metadata but not tick size. Thank you.
How to get the value of field "TR.FundLaunchDate" via API PLAYGROUND using searchlight or lookup ...
...or another endpoint ? How to get the value of field "TR.FundLaunchDate" via API PLAYGROUND using searchlight or lookup or another endpoint ? For example I use this EndPoint : https://api.refinitiv.com/discovery/searchlight/v1/ with this Body Request { "View": "FundQuotes", "Filter": "(AssetState ne 'DC' and…
Need help on accessing RIC pricing information via refinitiv API
Hi, Tried below API on API playground - but seems access denied , tried refinitiv credentials but still not letting me in. can someone please help me on this please. need to get RIC snap via http request. Example below https://api.refinitiv.com/data/pricing/beta3/snapshots?universe=USD=,KIBOR= JSON response on API…
Login to API Playground logs me out of Eikon
Hello, whenever i try to login to the API playground i get logged out of my Eikon session. This is extremely frustrating. How am i supposed to read the REST API docs without being kicked out of the very platform i need to research RICS, Fieldnames, etc.? thanks Andreas
Is there a way to map PermID to all the RICs associated to that company, if a company is listed i...
...n multiple stock exchanges. Q1 I am trying to match PermID to RIC in API Playground and wanted to know if there’s a way to Identify all stock exchange listings for a particular group ? For example NIKE is listed in NYSE and ETR Stock exchanges but when I pass Nike’s PermID it only gives one output. * Is the mapping…
Is it possible to get company's PermID using symbology API Playground, from only passing its name...
... and incorporation country as input parameter? I have used record matching functionality where an excel of max 1000 records can be passed to get permid, but is there any other alternative using API playground to achieve it ?
API Playground not working
Hi team, some clients and myself are experiencing some issues trying to connect to API Playground (refinitiv.com) the page loads forever any idea on how to solve this? Also i would like to know if i can do WC1 API consults in this playground?
Error in RDP
A client is getting an error when he connects to API playground, despite generating the API key . This client is looking at access Notifi API and hasnt even reached there yet, facing issues in access the api https://apidocs.refinitiv.com/Apps/ApiDocs The client has been given a valid license and access . Please advise ASAP
Premium Venue File
hello, raising query on behalf of client using RDP for FMRD data (Financial Markets Reference Data). Where can I see the below files in API playground * RFT-FMRD-MAS-Ref-Init * RFT-FMRD-MKT_EVNT-REF-init * RFT-FMRD-MKT_EVNT-MAS-init I can share clients login if needed. Appreciate a response ASAP
create personal lists/portfolios using Playgroud API
dear developer community i'm wondering if it's possible to can create/manage eikon lists/portfolios using 'https://api.refinitiv.com/user-data/lists/v1/lists' API playground. many thanks for your help.
FID list of Singapore Exchange (XSES)
Hi, I am using Ultra Performance API (UPA). I am new to Refinitive. I have following 2 queries. * Please guide to get FID list of Singapore Exchange (XSES). * I am not able to access Refinitive playground. Is it a paid service? If it is not paid service, can I access UPA API from playground? Regards, Kuldeepak
Emissions by NAICsCode and Period
Is it possible to pull and group the global values of TR.AnalyticEstimatedCO2Total and TR.Revenue (as USD or GBP) into groups of TR.NAICSSector and by Year, or at least show which year the data is coming from? ek.get_data seems to only be able to pull data by instrument, and am having some difficulty showing year and…
Replicate FxSwpToSwp and FxSwptoDepP
Dear developer community using FINANCIAL-CONTRACTS API, i try to replicate FxSwptoSwp and FxSwpToDepP Adfin function by indicating user input (spot, points) without success. indeed, i use FxSwptoSwp function to get Crossed DEV1DEV2 FxPoints given inputs ( ex EURGBP=> spots (EURUSD, GBPUSD), FxPoints (EURUSD, GBPUSD). I…