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Concurrence issue in SelectableBiDirectionalQueue (package com.refinitiv.eta.valueadd.common) from the Java ETA API


I am using the Java ETA API ( I think there is an issue with the way the _readLock and _writeLock are handled in the class SelectableBiDirectionalQueue (package com.refinitiv.eta.valueadd.common).

Indeed, on the method read() (respectively write()) the _readLock (respectively the _writeLock) is locked. There is a finally clause that unlock the locks, however in case of an IOException, the shutdown method is called. This method will set to null the two respective locks. So if a thread was waiting on the lock, then it will never be able to continue its execution further. Moreover the other thread that sets the lock to null will run into a NullPointerException while executing the finally clause.

Best regards,

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Thank you so much for sharing your finding.

You are correct. It could be a problem.

You can submit this issue directly to the development team via GitHub. After that, the development will verify this problem and then fix the code.

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Here is the link to the github issue:

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