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ETA: Additional symbol attributes

I am relatively new to ETA Java development. I want to ask if there are additional symbol attributes that we can get via SymbolListHandler or DirectoryHandler (chain rics). I am specifically looking at ISIN and the primary code from the exchange.

Otherwise, can I assumme that the RIC code follows this naming convention

<exchange primary code>.<RIC suffix>

For example, for ASX exchange, can I assumme that the exchange primary code in XYZ.AX to be XYZ?

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Thanks for reaching out to us.

Typically, a quote RIC contains a RIC root and exchange identifier, such as ABC.AX.

<RIC Root>.<Exchange Identifier> 

The RIC Root is ABC and the exchange identifier is AX.

However, there are other RIC rules for futures and options. You can contact the Content support team directly via MyRefinitiv for more information.

Otherwise, you can use the RIC Search tool to search for RICs.

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Is there a way via ETA API to get the symbol's ISIN and exchange primary code?
84.9k 289 53 77


The ETA API only supports RICs. You need to know RICs before using the ETA API.

After sending an item request with a RIC, a response may contain an ISIN and exchange code.


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I am checking this class but not sure how it can save the Symbol details such as ISIN or symbol code. Can you direct me to the right documentation or class where we can get that symbol info?

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Hello @hermes.tanhueco

I have checked the ABC.AX Quote RIC, the ISIN information that @Jirapongse showed above is part of the Field List data FID 3655 (Field name "ISIN_CODE").

ISIN_CODE  "ISIN CODE"           3655  NULL        ALPHANUMERIC       15  RMTES_STRING    15
! International Security Identification Number code (ISIN).


If the RIC provides this field for consumers, you can use the Real-Time API to get this data

An example from the EMA Java API which is built on top of the ETA Java API is shown below, the result from the ETA API consumer app should be the same.

## Refresh Message
Item Name: ABC.AX
Service Name: ELEKTRON_DD
Item State: Open / Ok / None / ''
Fid: 1 Name: PROD_PERM value: 217
Fid: 2 Name: RDNDISPLAY value: 117
Fid: 3606 Name: DPS_DATE_2 value: 19 JAN 2023
Fid: 3655 Name: ISIN_CODE value: AU000000ABC7
Fid: 3694 Name: MNEMONIC value: ABC

You can find more detail about this field on the Data Model Discovery website.

Additionally, please be informed that each RIC and each exchange has different data behavior, this field may not be available on the RIC that you are using. I highly recommend you contact the Content support team to help you with this ISIN and RIC information question.

You can contact the Content support team via the website.


Hope this helps.

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Hi @hermes.tanhueco

As well as the suggestions above, it may also be possible for you to obtain an instrument's ISIN code, etc using one of our other data/content services e.g. our RDP Symbology API

Your organization may or may not already be licensed to use the Symbology API - which you would need to discuss with your Refinitiv Account team.

The combination of the Symbology API and Real-time SDK is certainly a workflow used by other customers who have a dependency/need for using non-RIC symbology with our Real-time streaming products.

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