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Changing document type to ID-Card Type of Passport check is invalid

Very good afternoon from Cambodia time,

I'm trying to send screening with Cambodia national ID, therefore I've changed document type parameter to

{ "documentType": "ID-Card Type 1 (3 lines)" }, but I'm getting invalid response.

Screening can be done only with the parameter as PASSPORT. Therefore, how to solve this issue ?

API : /v2/cases/passportcheck/mrz

Thank you


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Hi @senate,

Greetings from Cape Town and thank you for reaching out!

Kindly note that the attribute "documentType" accepts the following Enum: "PASSPORT", "ID1" or "ID2" as stated in World-Check One schema reference. The value "ID-Card Type1 (3 lines)" is not supported.

Please consult our documentation for further information:

Please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions.

Best regards,


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Dear Virgill ,

To be informed that your suggestion works as expected after we change the attribute to above Enum.
Thank you so much.

Best regards

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I understand the frustration when dealing with API responses. I once had a similar issue while integrating a service into my project. Have you tried reaching out to the API provider's support team for assistance? Sometimes they can provide insights or solutions. Also, you might want to explore tools like those offered by, which could potentially simplify document verification processes.

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