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Where to access/download the latest document for sink_driven_src?

Hi all,

I'm having a hard time locating documentation or tutorials for using sink_driven_src. I'd appreciate it if someone can point me to where I can download/access the latest version of the document as well as the tool itself. Thank you.

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Thanks for reaching out to us.

sink_driven_src has been changed to testserver.

You can download it from MyRefinitiv. It is in the MDS - Infra and Infrastructure Tools categories.


The package contains a document that demonstrates how to use the testserver tool.

I hope that this information is of help

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Thank you for responding. Can I please confirm with you that I have the correct package? I've attached a screenshot.

infra-package.png (69.0 KiB)
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Hello @skyus

You got the correct package. However, the latest version of the Infra Tool (as of 25th Jan 2023) is version "3.6.3.L1"


The document is available at the infra_tools3.6.3.L1.linux.rrg\doc folder.

infra-tools.png (75.2 KiB)
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Thank you @wasin.w

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