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What's the actual content of FID type DATE etc

FID types supported by RFA API have DATE, RMTES_STRING. What a DATE value content? Is it an integer to char string in sense of C++? How about RMTES_STRING?

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It contains binary data in Refinitiv Wire Format (RWF) which requires RFA or RTSDK API to decode it.

For example, the content of the TRADE_DATE field looks like this:

<fieldEntry fieldId="16" data="010C 07E6"/>

The following RFA code is used to decode the DATE field.

        case DataBuffer::DateEnum:
void StandardOut::out(const Date& input)
//Must cast UInt8 return types, they are interpreted as unsigned chars
write("%u/%u/%u", (UInt16)input.getMonth(), (UInt16)input.getDay(), (UInt16)input.getYear());

According to the code, the values of the month, day, and year properties are unsigned integers.

RMTES is a Multi-Lingual Text Encoding Standard used by Refinitiv to encode strings. It also requires RFA or RTSDK API to decode it.


For example, the content of the DSPLY_NAME field looks like this:

<fieldEntry fieldId="3" data="5353 4520 4372 6564 6974 2042 6F6E 6420"/>

According to the content above, it is a buffer of the ASCII characters. However, it can contain UTF8 or other encodings that are supported by RMTES.

For more information regarding RMTES, please to the RFA Developers Guide in the RFA package.

I hope that this information is of help.

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thanks. Very clear!

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.