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Not able to retrieve all chain constituents using RDP API


I am trying to retrieve all the RICs from a chain using RDP API. I have found the link Article.RDP.WebSocket.RetrieveUnderlyingRicsOfChain/rdp-api-underlying-rics-chain.ipynb at main · Refinitiv-API-Samples/Article.RDP.WebSocket.RetrieveUnderlyingRicsOfChain · GitHub and have copied the code as is.

The code on github was able to pull all 102 RICs from the chain but I am only able to pull 14 RICs

Existing token read from: token.txt
Token expired, refreshing a new one...
Saving the new token
Retrieving underlying RICs of chain RIC:  0#.FTSE
Underlying RICs of chain are successfully retrieved
14 underlying RICs are retrieved, which are
['ABF.L', 'BAES.L', 'AZN.L', 'BARC.L', 'AAL.L', 'AV.L', '.FTSE', 'AAF.L', '.AD.FTSE', 'AHT.L', 'AUTOA.L', 'ANTO.L', 'ABDN.L', 'ADML.L']

Process finished with exit code 0

Can you help determine if it's because of my credentials or are there any changes needed on the code.

Thank you!

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Thanks for reaching out to us.

I checked and found that the implement of the /data/pricing/chains/v1/ endpoint has been changed.

The workaround is changing the URL to '/data/pricing/chains/v1/?universe={base_ric}&limit=100'. The code look like this:

conn.request('GET', f'/data/pricing/chains/v1/?universe={base_ric}&limit=100', payload, headers)


The output is:


I hope that this information is of help.

1676437305603.png (43.1 KiB)
1676437319396.png (68.1 KiB)
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Thank you so much for this! :)
15.3k 32 5 10

Hi @enrico.castillo01 and Jirapongse,

Thank you for this information, the article and code example has been updated based on Jirapongse's comment.

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Thank you Raksina!

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