Assume I got a 4148 value of 123456789. What does it mean? I know it's about a book latest activity timestamp. Elapsed milli-seconds from when to now?
The following is the definition of this field.
TIMACT_MS "TIMEACT MS" 4148 NULL INTEGER 15 UINT64 4!! Time of last activity in milliseconds!
It should represent the number of milliseconds since midnight, as mentioned in this discussion.
I hope that this information is of help.
midnight of that exchange/RIC's server or midnight of Refinitiv server? and should be current day's midnight I guess?
As I know, the time of real-time data is typically in GMT. I assume that it is midnight (GMT). However, you need to contact the content support team directly via MyRefinitiv to confirm this.
Keen to have further clarification. Which mid-night?