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using /Extractions/ScheduleGetInstrumentTriggerDetails

Hi, i'm interested in getting the average arrival time for a set of RICS to evaluate it, i noticed the /Extractions/ScheduleGetInstrumentTriggerDetails method in the REST API Reference Tree but unfortunately i can't find any example on how to make a simple request.
if you've an example to set it up quickly in Postman, they'd be great. thanks in advance

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@paolo ciampanelli

Thanks for reaching out to us.

The /Extractions/ScheduleGetInstrumentTriggerDetails is used with the HTTP GET method and it requires a schedule ID. It looks like this:

/Extractions/ScheduleGetInstrumentTriggerDetails(Id='<schedule id>')

For example:


I think the output is similar to the View Triggers of a schedule on the DSS Web GUI.


I hope that this information is of help.

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Hi @Jirapongse thanks for your suggestion, it works. i was misled by the API tree info stating "Returns data availability / trigger information for all of the instruments in the referenced instrument list (ListId)" while a schedule id is the id needed

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