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OPINT_1 missing for WRNT_TYPE

HI ,

Open interest (OPINT_1) is missing for Warrant when querying ADS using webservice .Please let me know if there is any alternative filed or how to get Open interest for warrant

Here is the request and response message for reference .



"ID": 2,

"Key": {

"Name": [





"Streaming": false,

"View": [

















"ID": 2,

"Type": "Status",

"State": {

"Stream": "Closed",

"Data": "Ok",

"Text": "Processed 1 total items from Batch Request. 1 Ok."







"ID": 3,

"Type": "Refresh",

"Key": {

"Service": "IDN_SELECTFEED",

"Name": "15311.HK"


"State": {

"Stream": "NonStreaming",

"Data": "Ok",

"Text": "All is well"


"Qos": {

"Timeliness": "Realtime",

"Rate": "TickByTick"


"PermData": "AwAXKSnA",

"SeqNumber": 42688,

"Fields": {


"STRIKE_PRC": 450.2,

"EXPIR_DATE": "2023-09-26",



"AMT_ISSUE": 100000000,

"UNDERLYING": "0700.HK",

"WRNT_TYPE": "Plain "




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Thanks for reaching out to us.

I checked the available fields of 15311.HK against the Data Model Discovery tool and found that OPINT_1 is not available in 15311.HK.

You need to contact the Real-Time content support team directly via MyRefinitiv and ask for a Real-Time field that can provide the required data.

I hope that this information is of help.

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