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SSIS issue EndOfDayPricing odata


we added odata source in ssis package, for both option we faced error as below
1- we use webservice root as source:

and for authentication we use basic, so test connection is success. but we we use this connection as source we face error as "unable to load" as below:


2-if we use extraction as source:

and for authentication we use basic, so test connection is success. but we we use this connection as source

it can connect to collection and I used "RawExtractionResult",

to go to Column tab for setting: we face error as unable to load as below: "an error occurred while retriving the metadata"

1681253214944.pngif we click on preview this is the error: "The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request. (System)"

kindly help us urgently.


#SSIS #Extraction #EndOfDayPricing

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Thanks for reaching out to us.

I am not familiar with the SSIS but according to the errors, that URL is unable to provide metadata.

The metadata URLs are available on this page:


For example:

The /Extractions/RawExtractionResults endpoint is used to get a native/raw result from an extraction request, such as /Extractions/RawExtractionResults('<Job ID>')/$value.

For more information, please refer to the REST API Tutorials Introduction.

I hope that this information is of help.

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Hi @Jirapongse thanks for your reply

but to add as odata source, need to add Service Document then it will find Metadata outomatically in SSIS.

it seems something is wrong.

by the way now I have to use web service in Script task on SSIS, which is small version of C#.

when I want to add this web service as service Reference, I will face below error:

even in add service reference, in Advance when I select Extractions to add.
it will ask to save or open the json file. may I ask how can I add this webservice as reference in my script?


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Hi @Jirapongse

I knew link of metadata and service documents, I wanted to add as web service in c#. but as I showed in picture, it get error and can not add it. also it will show download and save option.

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What connected service are you using?

I tested against OData Connected Services and it can load those service documents properly.



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