
387 7 13 17

I am trying to run VAConsumer, but getting below error

I am trying to run VAConsumenr but getting error ""Adding connection to Error rsslReactorConnect(): Failed to request authentication token information. Text: <D:\Jenkins\workspace\ESDKCore_RCDEV\OS\VS141-64\rcdev\source\rtsdk\Cpp-C\Eta\Impl\Reactor\Util\rsslRestClientImpl.c:1595> Error: Failed to perform the request with text: Couldn't connect to server""

I am not sure if this has to do something with network connection? Telnet to host:port is working

Command used is "VAConsumer.exe -encryptedSocket ELEKTRON_DD mp:SEK= -uname <User> -passwd <Password> -sessionMgnt -clientId <ClientID>

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10 |1500

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1 Answer

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Thanks for reaching out to us.

According to the error (rsslRestClientImpl.c:1595), the problem may relate to the REST connection for the authentication service. The URL of the authentication service is You need to check if you can access this URL.

You can also enable the REST log by using the -restEnableLog parameter.

I hope that this information is of help.

icon clock
10 |1500

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

Thanks @Jirapongse

I tried running with restEnableLog, and got below response. I am not sure about, how to check if we have access to the url "" or not.

Adding connection to


<!-- Time: 7:37:29:943 -->


HTTP method POST

HTTP header data:

Accept : application/json

Content-Type : application/x-www-form-urlencoded

HTTP body data: grant_type=password&username=<USERNAME>&client_id=<ClientID>&

Request timeout: 90


<!-- Time: 7:38:12:504 -->

HTTP header data:

HTTP body data: (null)

Protocol version: (null)

HTTP status code: 0

Error rsslReactorConnect(): Failed to request authentication token information. Text: <D:\Jenkins\workspace\ESDKCore_RCDEV\OS\VS141-64\rcdev\source\rtsdk\Cpp-C\Eta\Impl\Reactor\Util\rsslRestClientImpl.c:1595> Error: Failed to perform the request with text: Couldn't connect to server

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Hint: Notify or tag a user in this post by typing @username.

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.