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SOAP API connection issue

Hello My client is M&G, they have below error:

We tried using private line and internet line both for below DDN. Application able to create the session but after session while rate extraction received below error-

PROD Private line SoapAPI :

PROD Public line SoapAPI :

Able to create Session : Session id is - d7a81364-f956-4ea2-b8f7-75c910fdc7a0

Error Occurred while rate extraction :

Timestamp: 02/05/2023 19:31:44

Message: HandlingInstanceID: ea4b6a14-ae67-48e7-b125-cce4bd7a43da

An exception of type 'PruCap.Common.Business.ClientErrorException' occurred and was caught.


05/02/2023 19:31:44

Type : PruCap.Common.Business.ClientErrorException, PruCap.Common.Business, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

Message : A security error has occurred.

Source : PruCap.Common.Business

Help link :

Error : PruCap.Common.Business.RefinitivService.ClientError

Data : System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal

TargetSite : T Execute[T](System.Func`1[T])

HResult : -2146233088

Stack Trace : at PruCap.Common.Business.ApiUtility.Execute[T](Func`1 expression) in F:\PruCapAgent\_work\24\s\Release\PruCap.Common\PruCap.Common.Business\ApiUtility.cs:line 171

at PruCap.Common.Business.ExtractionUtility.ValidateInstruments(InstrumentValidationRequest validationRequest, ExtractionServiceClient proxy, CredentialsHeader& credentials) in F:\PruCapAgent\_work\24\s\Release\PruCap.Common\PruCap.Common.Business\ExtractionUtility.cs:line 36

at PruCap.Common.Business.CommonBusiness.GetReutersFXRates(String ScreenName, Int32 ReasonId, String ActionBy, String Action, IEnumerable`1 requestObj, CommunicationResults& communicationResults) in F:\PruCapAgent\_work\24\s\Release\PruCap.Common\PruCap.Common.Business\CommonBusiness.cs:line 972

Additional Info:

MachineName : MG22VINTZ04

TimeStamp : 02/05/2023 18:31:44

FullName : Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.ExceptionHandling, Version=5.0.505.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35

AppDomainName : /LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/PruCapFXWebHost-3-133275255535730733

ThreadIdentity : C001891

WindowsIdentity : MGDOMAIN\SVCTDZ05

icon clock
10 |1500

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Thanks for reaching out to us.

I tested with the simple C# application and it works fine.

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var credential = new CredentialsHeader();
            credential.Username = "<DSS Username>";
            credential.Password = "<DSS Password>";
            using (var proxy = new ExtractionServiceClient())
                // Get API version
                var getVersionRequest = new GetVersionRequest();
                var header = new EjvServerHeader();
                var versionInfo = new VersionInfo();
                var getVersionResponse =   proxy.GetVersion(header, out versionInfo);
                Console.WriteLine("DSS version = " + versionInfo.DssVersion);
                Console.WriteLine("API version = " + versionInfo.ApiVersion);

                // Validate an instrument
                var identifier = new InstrumentIdentifier
                    IdentifierValue = "TRI.N",
                    IdentifierType = "RIC"
                var validateInstrumentsRequest =
                new ValidateInstrumentsRequest
                    CredentialsHeader = credential,
                    request = new InstrumentValidationRequest
                        Identifiers = new[] { identifier }

                var instrumentValidateRequest = new InstrumentValidationRequest();
                instrumentValidateRequest.Identifiers = new InstrumentIdentifier[] {new InstrumentIdentifier
                    IdentifierValue = "BHD=",
                    IdentifierType = "RIC"
                }  };
                var instrumentValidateResponse = new InstrumentValidationResponse();
                var validateInstrumentsResponse =
                proxy.ValidateInstruments(ref credential, header, instrumentValidateRequest, out instrumentValidateResponse);
                // Re-assign credentials variable to new credentials instance
                // returned by the API for future calls
                Console.WriteLine("User Verified. AuthenticationToken = " +
                var instrument = instrumentValidateResponse.Instruments[0];
                Console.WriteLine("RIC = " + instrument.IdentifierValue);
                Console.WriteLine("Source = " + instrument.Source);
                Console.WriteLine("AssetID = " + instrument.AssetId);

                var eodRequest = new InstrumentExtractionRequestEndOfDay();
                eodRequest.Instruments = instrumentValidateResponse.Instruments;
                eodRequest.OutputFields = new string[] { "Mid Price","Open Price" };
                var eodResponse = new ExtractionResponse();

                proxy.Extract(ref credential, header, eodRequest, out eodResponse);

                foreach(var col in eodResponse.Columns)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", col.Name, col.Values[0].ToString());


The output is:


The problem may relate to the proxy or networking settings in the client environment.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.