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PermID Entity Search not returning expected results

The search API is sometimes not returning records which I can find manually.


The quote has these details:

  • RIC: 2255.HK
  • Ticker: 2255

However, both of these searches return "No Data Found":

  • RIC:2255.HK


Another example which I can find by name but not identifiers is 0257.HK.

Some others which I can't find either by identifier or name are 1336.HK and 1919.HK (so I am not sure if the PermID doesn't exist or it is a search issue.)

Can you please assist? Thank you.

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Hi @anthony.mayne ,

Thank you for participating in the forum. I've raised this to the PermID team, and will keep you updated.

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Hi @raksina.samasiri, do you have any update on this please? I retried the same searches by RIC and Ticker, but still get no results. The search is usually the best way to find the PermId of a security from another identifier, so I hope it can be resolved soon. Thank you.

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Hi @anthony.mayne ,

Thank you for your patience, this has been being investigated by the related-teams, we'll keep you updated and we're so sorry for the inconvenient caused

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