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get_history function not work(Eikon Data API for python )

  1. Describe the technology

    • What API are you using? => Eikon
    • What language are you using? => Python
    • What environment are you in? => Windows

Palladium AM/PM is not queried by get_history function It was previously inquired, but it seems that the problem occurred around May 2023 For your information, get_data is inquired normally

Maybe it's not a grammatical problem, but there's a problem with the account you're using. [ ### email ### ] Check it out on your account

Please refer to the attached file



#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-

import time, pymysql, json

import eikon as tr

import pandas as pd

from datetime import datetime,timedelta

from calendar import month

import refinitiv.data as rd

import sys

import requests

import json


tr.set_app_key(' ### app key ### ')

print('###### TEST get_date Start ######')

result = tr.get_data(

instruments = ['XPDFIXAM=', 'XPDFIXPM='],

fields = ['PRIMACT_1', 'TRDPRC_1']



print('###### TEST get_date End ######')

print('###### TEST get_history Start ######')

history = rd.get_history(universe=['XPDFIXAM=', 'XPDFIXPM='], fields=['PRIMACT_1','TRDPRC_1'])


print('###### TEST get_history End ######')


###### TEST get_date Start ######

( Instrument PRIMACT_1 TRDPRC_1

0 XPDFIXAM= 1417 1417

1 XPDFIXPM= 1411 1411, None)

###### TEST get_date End ######

###### TEST get_history Start ######

Empty DataFrame

Columns: []

Index: []

###### TEST get_history End ######


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Hi @jwlee08,

You are mixing two API calls. Either stick with Eikon Data API (tr in your code), or use RD Library calls. For getting timeseries data with EDAPI use get_timeseries API call.

You can also use the get_data API to get limited historical data for fields that support history. PRIMACT_1 and TRDPRC_1 are real time functions and do not support history.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.