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Eikon .NET API in downloadable examples doesn't work


I downloaded all examples at this site for Reuters EIKON API for .NET. but none

of them works. I tried it at work ( where we have proxy ) and at home ( no proxy ), I also tried with default versions of packages and later updated to latest versions. Still nothing.

An event handler ServicesOnStateChanged is never hit. All I see is black console on simply nothing.

private static void InitializeDataServices(string appName)
     Services = DataServices.Instance;
     Services.StateChanged += ServicesOnStateChanged;
     Console.WriteLine("Data service is initialized? : {0}", Services.IsInitialized);
       // TRUE - it is Initialized

private static void ServicesOnStateChanged(object sender, DataServicesStateChangedEventArgs dataServicesStateChangedEventArgs)
       //   Never hit   :(((
       Console.WriteLine("State changed: " + dataServicesStateChangedEventArgs.State.ToString());

I would like to dare to ask one basic question: I near future, I will have to develop some basic application to store list if RICS and some additional data several times a day. These data are Channel,RIC-name,Bid,Ask,ValueData,ValueTimestamp. For example Channel="IDN" , RIC-name="AUD1B3B20Y=ICAP" .
Am I going to use proper API = Eikon API for it? ( I'm just developer, not business user )

Thank you


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@Martin.Hogenauer is Eikon running when you run the sample app?

Hi Zhenya,

If you mean Eikon App studio, then no. I don't have anything installed on my PC except .NET libraries, which were automatically downloaded using NuGet in Visual Studio.

4.6k 26 7 22

.NET API is a desktop API and requires Eikon to be installed and initialised in order for you to run any samples or software developed on top of it.

So, in order to get this going you will need to install Eikon (you can get the app here), obtain a set of valid credentials and log in.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

thank you, it is clear now.

81 4 8 14

I have the same problem but my Eikon is up and running. The problem is that the SDK/API is NOT working when run from within a non WPF application. A console application will NOT work UNLESS you submit any Reuters/Eikon bound API requests via a UI thread. You can get it to work for example like this:

//attempt to initialize service
            var task = Task.Run(() =>
                Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
                    _dataServices = DataServices.Instance;
                    _dataServices.StateChanged += DataServicesOnStateChanged;

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

27 2 2 6

I encountered this same issue on a .NET Framework v4.8 WindowsFormApp project. Identical code worked as expected in a .NET Core project, so the bug is definitely something to do with the Refinitiv.Data library. Took 2 days of bug hunting before I encountered this post here. HFTVOL's comment is what got my project working. By wrapping the API calls with

  • Task.Run(() =>{})

they are able to connect with the Desktop Workspace instance. However, counter to HFTVOL's comment, this forces the code to run outside of the main UI thread.

The Refinitiv Devs really need to address this in the .NET API library, because I'm pretty sure this is not intended behavior

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.