
217 7 19 34

Not getting entry for enum = 4445 in enumeration table

We are using RFA 8.1 C++ api to consume Level1 and Level2 market data with Open DACS set up. We have updated enumdef.type and RDMFieldDictionary as per latest RFA 8.2 , still we are getting error :

OMMClient::processEvent-InvaidUsageException->Enumeration Table does NOT contain entry for enum = 4445

We want to understand why this error is occuring ?

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Can you identify the enum field that causes this error?

Please also share the retrieved data including times before this error. Therefore, we can verify it from the Tick History data.

You may contact the API support team via Contact Premium Support to investigate this issue.

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Thanks for reaching out to us.

Please verify which RIC and field provide this enum value.

It could be a content issue. I checked the latest enumtype.def file and found that it doesn't have this 4445 enum value.

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@Jirapongse we have verified the RIC is AAPL.OQ.

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I checked the historical data of AAPL.OQ from 2023-06-12 to 2023-06-20. I was unable to find the enum field that provides the 4445 enum value. I found these fields that provide the 4445 value.


Did the code check IsBlank before accessing the data?

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@Jirapongse We got error :

Enumeration Table does NOT contain entry for enum = 4445 for symbols: IBM.N, APPL.OQ and AMD.OQ.

While symbols like AAPL.O and AMD.O didn't generate any enum error.

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@Jirapongse We don't have any idea about enum field which is causing this error.

We haven't received any data for symbols IBM.N, APPL.OQ and AMD.OQ which were giving this error.

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Please contact the API support team via Contact Premium Support to investigate this issue.

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