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Working with OGS and track changes from refinitiv UI

hi guys,
we are using world check one API to asses the risk for around 5000+ cases . Now the problem is that if i set ongoing screening for all of them (not sure whats the limit on OGS) and fetch changes in them using cases/ongoingScreeningUpdates , if there are any changes we will fetch screening result for the changed cases BUT if there are any changes done on risk status or review added in refinitv UI , screeningUpdates will not show these changes . So that mean i have to manually set periodic checks on all cases , which seems a problem to me as i can not go through all 5000+ cases and fetch detail for them . Please help on it.

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Hi @petervasko ,

Apologies for the delay in response.

Looking at the above I understand that you are trying look at the resolution status of a match, in order to determine the resolution status of a match you can utilize the endpoint SEQ-case-investigate-results: Get screening results

In the API response you can look at the resolution field of the match which shows you if the case has been resolved or not.

Please access the following link Quick Start | Devportal ( to understand the resolution status of a match in detail.

Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any further questions.



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Hello @petervasko - thank you for reaching out to us!
The maximum amount of cases that you can set up for bulk OGS using the endpoint is 50. Kindly apply the change of setting only 50 cases at a time, and let me know what the outcome is.



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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.