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DACS behaviour about multiple IP's /Positions.

We are using RFA 8.1 C++ API to consume Level1 and Level2 market data with Open DACS set up.DACS requires user IP as position with "/net" format.

We want to know that , Can single DACS user have 2 or multiple IP's [Positions] ?

If multiple IP's are allowed then , consider user A is logged in with IP1 and now similar user wants to log in with IP2, then user allowed to login with IP1 or IP2 ? Can you elaborate behaviour of single DACS user with multiple positions .

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Hi @mktdata

Your MarketData team can optionally increase the number of mounts that can be made using the same DACS ID from different IP addresses - via the DACS admin tool..

I believe this would incur an additional cost (based on exchange/data provider fees - best to ask your Refinitiv Account manager for details).

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