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Download testclient for RHEL8

Hi Refinitiv,

There is a test tools called "testclient". Is it support RHEL8? Where can I download it? Manythanks!



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Hello @kawaihe.kwok

The testclient is part of the Infrastructure Tools package. You can download the package from the website.

  • Product Family "MDS - Infra"
  • Product: "Infrastructure Toos"


Based on the package's README file, the tools support the following OS

    Operating Systems supported  : Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x (64-bit)
                                   Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x (64-bit) (Qualification)
                                   Oracle Linux 7.x (Red Hat compatible kernel, 64 bit)
                                   CentOS Version 7 (Qualification)
                                   Amazon Linux 2 in AWS (Qualification)

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The link return "404" page not found. Thanks!

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Hi @kawaihe.kwok ,

It could be because you haven't signed in yet, please click on Sign In button then try accessing the URL again


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I already login as below but still not working.

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Hello @kawaihe.kwok

This should be a permission issue. I highly recommend you contact your Refinitiv representative to help you verify your permission.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.