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Hi guys, I have a question regarding the following Data Items:



which I want to fetch over the Eikon Data API. It seems that even in Excel I always get an empty response (NULL). Why is that? What do I have to specirfy? Does this data item behave different because it falls under the class of "Time Series Data"?

Kind regards

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Hi @s2782245 ,

I tried that field on Excel in adition to the DIB, and also in Python, to no avail. In the latter, I received the error code:

`RDError: Error code -1 | Insufficient scope for key=/data/datagrid/beta1/, method=POST failed. Required scope: {'trapi.data.get.data.read'}. Missing scopes: {'trapi.data.get.data.read'}.`

Which leads me to believe that the data may exist for these companies (I tested with "LSEG.L", "VOD.L", "AAPL.O", "MSFT.O") but you (and I) need access to "datagrid".

This is thus a content (or permissioning) question. Going forward, I suggest you open a ticket on my.refinitiv, as this Q&A Forum is for technology (API) questions only, and we will not be able to help for content or licensing questions.

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