I am struggling with finding dates of Forward Price in Eikon.
i want a list of the name of Forward price month.
eg) Nov, Dec, Jan ...
please kindly let me know ;)
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Hi @jwlee08 ,
The RIC (CMZNc1) is a continuation RIC and it doesn't have an expiry date as such as it rolls automatically at or before the expiry of the individual underlying contract. You can request the prices for that RIC in the following way:
df = ek.get_timeseries('CMZNc1') df
If you wish to get individual contract RICs along with the expired dates you can expand the chain containing the individual contracts using the following code:
df, err = ek.get_data('0#CMZN:', ['CF_NAME', 'EXPIR_DATE']) df
Please note that the chain contains only the active contracts. For already expired contracts you would need to reconstruct the RICs following the RIC construction Rules. More on that, including a Python object for reconstructing one can be found in this article.
Hope this helps.
Best regards,
Hi @jwlee08 ,
Could you please kindly elaborate a bit on your request, particularly which API you are trying to use, what is the RIC and if you are getting an error please post it here as well. That will help us to investigate this further.
Best regards,
and the RIC was 'CMZNc1' and i got the Expire_date thank you for ur help!