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Documentation for UPA/ETA API for access to BDS RIC list

Client inquiring as to what documentation is available for subscribing (UPA/ETA C-language level) to be able to list predefined BDS instrument lists, and how to access SYMBOL lists with the same API.

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BDS are usually defined by a client's market data team and therefore they should have access to the list of BDS defined on a particular Edge server. I am not aware of any way of programmatically querying the Edge server to issue a list of its defined BDS.

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Hello @timothy.kaneshige

I am not sure about the BDS instrument list, but for the Symbol List subscription on the ETA C API, the client can find the description on section 3.2.5 Symbol Lists of the Transport API Development Guide document. The document is available in the SDK package (TransportAPI_C_DevGuide.pdf) and on RTSDK C/C++ - Developer Portal Document page.


The client can also run the ETA Comsumer example to subscribe for Symbol Lists with the following command:

-h {ADS Host} -p {RSSL Port} -s {service name} -sl {Symbol List RIC}

example result from _ADS_CACHE_LIST Symbol List RIC:


1700031798161.png (160.7 KiB)
result.png (23.6 KiB)
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