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Error on handshake url http://localhost:9000/api/handshake : DesktopSessionError(1, 'Status code 400: App key is incorrect')

It is bit strange that the same code with opening session via desktop workspace fetched news headlines data and for 2 days it throws credentials errors again: 1704966552946.png

I tried to disable the eikon api key in my desktop workspace in api key generator and tried with a new key in config, It still doesn't works anymore, Unfortunately.

Since this desktop.workspace picks key itself via the Refinitiv workspace app running in the background. This is causing a lot of issues unnecessarily. Is there any update that leads to this continuous issue?

Kindly provide a permanent fix to this.

1704966552946.png (120.7 KiB)
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Hi @shreesharma ,

Thank you for participating in the forum, case number 13214913 was raised on your behalf and support team is going to contact you to assist on this.

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