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RFA API Message Capture

Hello, I am trying to capture event messages coming from the RMDS using the RFA API in C++. Our end goal is to relay the event messages in their original data format. How can I do this?

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Please check the answer on this dicussion.

Otherwise, you can use the rfa::message::RespMsg::clone() method to make its own copy for later processing the message outside the application callback method.

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Hi Avoora,

It seems you are requesting support for RMDS. This portal is for RDMS.

I think the correct link is



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Hello @avoora

I suggest you use the testclient tool to capture the messages between the tool and your Market Data System.

Please check my colleague's answer on this old post testclient capture RIC events question.

Note: The updated link for Quick Start Guide to Recording and Playback of Refinitiv Real-Time Data is available here.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

@wasin.w Is there any way we can capture the messages in our code?

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.