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perform PERMID lookup on for futures contracts

Hello, I just had some questions about the permid interface provided at - we have a number of metadata files we pull from Datascope that include quote_perm_id fields - we would like to look up additional information about the RICs by using the permid provided, but they don't appear to return any results in the portal.

Is this intended and if so what would be the ideal way to do a permid lookup using a future's quote_perm_id?

Thank you!


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hello @carter.alexander , is an open data service, and it doesnt provide full coverage on all data object and asset classes, that are covered in other LSEG products.

When it comes to organizations you should be able to compare Datascope and, but regarding instrument and quotes is much more limited. We publish data only on the equities and closed ended funds instrument and quotes, so in case you are looking for other asset classes, such as exchange traded funds, units, futures, you wont be able to find it on the

Please let us know specific RICs you are trying to retrieve the inforamtion on, so we will be able to provide you details on is this behaviour is expected or not.

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

According to the FAQ page, the OpemPermID covers the following entities.


Please share the sample PermIDs that you would like to lookup.

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