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Search API - what are the available columns name for select and filter arguments?


I am using which has two argument select and filter.

My question is how can I know which columns name are available for specific views and how can I select all columns. "*" doesn't work.

For example, in screenshot, your example code select columns "ISIN,RIC,IssueDate,Currency,FaceIssuedTotal,CouponRate,MaturityDate". And I want to know what are other available columns for Views.GOV_CORP_INSTRUMENTS and other views.

Please note it is different with historical_pricing.summaries.Definition() where I have the rics, so i can use data items in desktop to find avaiable columns.

Thank you for the help!


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Thank you for reaching out to us.

You can use the search.metadata.Definition method to get all fields available in each view.

response = search.metadata.Definition(
    view = search.Views.GOV_CORP_INSTRUMENTS # Required parameter

The output looks like this:


For more information, please refero the Building Search into your Application Workflow article. The example is also avialable on GitHub.

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Thank you very much Jirapongse! This is exactly what I am looking for.
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Hi @liu.chen ,

The code below can be used to retrieve the metadata of each view

import as rd
from import search


response = search.metadata.Definition(
    view = search.Views.GOV_CORP_INSTRUMENTS


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