Hi, I am trying to flush out disconnect handling for an RSSL Consumer connecting to a UPA server and I have some questions. The connection type this question is relevant to is RSSL_CONN_TYPE_SOCKET. I am first wondering if there are any general guidelines on usage of rsslConnect and rsslInitChannel in the event of failure to connect or disconnection. I also have some specific questions regarding the proper course of action to take in various scenarios.
- Say the first call to rsslConnect returns a NULL pointer. I assume in this case the only sensible course of action is to wait a retry period and attempt the call again later.
- Say a connection is established with the UPA server, the logon is successful, and messages are being exchanged. Later, a call to rsslRead or rsslWrite fails and inspecting the channel state reveals the channel state is RSSL_CH_STATE_CLOSED. There are a few courses of action that I see as being likely, but am unsure which, if any, are the right one:
- Call rsslInitChannel until the connection is reestablished and the channel state is RSSL_CH_STATE_ACTIVE. I suppose this case begs the question, do I need to logon again?
- Call rsslConnect again, followed by calls to rsslInitChannel
- Completely tear down the connection with rsslCloseChannel and then completely start over
Thank you very much for your time