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Getting error trying to install DatastreamDSWS2R in R Studio

R studio - DatastreamDSWS2R error 2.pngR studio - DatastreamDSWS2R error.pngI cannot seem to install DatastreamDSWS2R package into R Studio, and when trying to run below code, i get error. pls assist.

First attachment is what i see when trying to install dsws package.

Second attachement is when trying to run a sample code, and getting error trying to display results.

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

Please run the following command to make sure the DatastreamDSWS2R library is installed properly.



According to the error, it could be the firewall or network issue that block the connections. You may need to contact the network team to unblock the connections.


1712633626721.png (11.7 KiB)
1712636015330.png (133.4 KiB)
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