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Is there an European Composite RIC code for Vodafone?

We know we have VOD.L, as well as VODl.BS (Bats), VODl.TQ (Turquoise), VODl.CHI (Chi-X) etc., however it there a composite RIC symbol for that? We knew Bloomberg has "VOD EU" as European Composite, so hope Reuters has the same. Please advise. Thanks.

By the way, TR's RIC Search Tool only works at the first level; it's in loading status when trying to research on returned information.

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We have a RIC that covers all trades that have taken place on Vodafone in Europe. Either traded through the main LSE exchange or via one of the other MTS. It also shows where the trade was conducted away from an exchange and reported to one of the MIFID I trade reporting venues. That is VOD.xt

On Thomson Reuters we dont always carry composite information, in the same way as it seems Bloomberg does, but for European stock we have a set of RICs ending in xbo that covers the main trading venues like BATS. So if you take a look at VODGBP.xbo then you will see all the latest BID/ASk and trades from the exchange and MTS's like Turquoise, BATs and CHI-X.

If yoFor

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Thank you very much Tim. Another question: is there a RIC code for VOD on Aquis? The Bloomberg symbol for it is "VOD QX". The "RIC Search" tools provided doesn't seem to work for me so I can't really look it up. thanks.


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