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API to pull all Futures RIC Root for global exchange?

Is there any API via DSS that can provide the complete list of Futures RIC Root that client can use to pull the details?

Client is after the RIC ROOT and associated description for the future along with exchange code / name for all the exchanges.

DSS GUI limit search to 5000 RIC root only.


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@Asif Khan

Thank you for reaching out to us.

You can use the DSS REST API to get the same results as Futures and Options Search on DSS Web GUI. Please refer to the REST API Tutorial 13: Search for a Future or Option tutorial.

The endpoint is and the request body is:

    "SearchRequest": {
        "FuturesAndOptionsType": "Futures",
        "PreferredIdentifierType": "RICRoot",
        "AssetStatus": "Active"

The response will contain the results and the @odata.nextlink.

            "Identifier": "RIBA=FIX",
            "IdentifierType": "RICRoot",
            "Source": "PMI",
            "Description": "RIBAZ5 FIX",
            "InstrumentType": "DerivativeQuote",
            "Status": "Valid",
            "ExchangeCode": "PMI",
            "CurrencyCode": "SEK",
            "FuturesAndOptionsType": "Futures",
            "PutCallCode": "",
            "ExpirationDate": "2025-12-16T00:00:00.000Z",
            "AssetStatus": "Active"
    "@odata.nextlink": "$skiptoken='MjUw'"

The @odata.nextlink can be used to retrieve the next page.

For more information, please refer to this discussion.

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