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Getting a 403 when accessing the same RTDS REST API endpoint in some scenarios

Hi, I am running RTDS 3.5.3 with the REST server enabled on port 8083 via rmds.cnf. When on the same host running the RTDS and REST server, I do a HTTP GET using the hostname e.g. `curl http://<hostname>:8083`, I get a 200. But when I do `curl http://localhost:8083`, I get a 403. When I am on a remote host on the same network and do `curl http://:<hostname>:8083`, I get a 403. I have no security key setup - doing locally run `curl http://<hostname>:8083/configs` etc. return 200 and payloads. Where should I start looking at my setup?

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

I tested it with the adspop docker image and it works fine.


I may relate to the firewall or securtiy software on the machine.

You may use the '-v' option in curl to see the full response.

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