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Does RFA manages “natively” simultaneous connection to multi DACS?


I'm working on a java application that embeds RFA (more precisely com.reuters.risk:rfa verson 8.2.1.L3)

This application:

  • connects to a DACS server
  • registers users (by calling AuthorizationAgent.login())
  • queries DACS in order to know whether a user is allowed to access a given PE

One of our customers would like our application to be able to address simultaneously many DACS (because he has many DACS at different places in the word, all having a subset of his users)

I would like to know if RFA already manages “natively” simultaneous connection to multi DACS or if I should handle the request of the client by myself

Thanks for helping


Philippe MESMEUR

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

According to the AuthorizationAgent.login() method, I assumed that you are using OpenDACS API.

The application can use OpenDACS API to connect to multiple DACS servers by using DACSMC.

1716277825469.png However, the application must implement this feature.

I am not sure if the application supports multiple DACS connections.

1716277825469.png (119.0 KiB)
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